Display advertising appears on the internet as a form of online advertising. It has many forma and can form part of a branding strategy along with other medium's such as print and radio.
A form of display advertising that is becoming more popular is marketing within social sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
If branding or product awareness is part of your overall strategy we are happy to guide and support you in this area of marketing and can advise the best forms to gain the greatest return on Investment (ROI)
A form of display advertising that is becoming more popular is marketing within social sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn.
If branding or product awareness is part of your overall strategy we are happy to guide and support you in this area of marketing and can advise the best forms to gain the greatest return on Investment (ROI)
Image and branding

Some of the biggest companies today started out as a small to medium business like yourself. They have now grown and have key brands. Some examples of these businesses are: Coca-Cola, Ford, Virgin, McDonalds, Tiffany & Co, Apple, Yellow Pages, Sony, Microsoft, Google, Cadbury, Elvis, Disney, The Wiggles and so on.
Some businesses might think "but I'm not like these companies". You and all these companies have one thing in common, its called Intellectual Property (IP). IP adds a massive amount of value to your business. Some businesses pay huge sums of money for IP. You could start your own hamburger stand on any corner on any street in Australia. Chances are though if you open a McDonalds branch, you will be much more successful. The IP value of McDonalds is in the millions. There are some examples of high value IP here in Australia. Have your heard of Jim's mowing? Now they do electrical, plumbing, carpet cleaning plus much much more.
Small business can have a local brand recognition within their community or even state. Branding adds goodwill value to your business and therefore builds its saleable value.
Branding should be simple. Someone should be able to look at your logo or image and say "I know them", there should be a link between the image and your business. It should relate to the type of business you are doing. An example is if you are a florist you would look at a flower or even a leaf as a logo. The colours should be appealing to your target customer.
Once you have created this brand you should have this everywhere such as your letter head, business cards, web site, shop window, invoices, etc.
Some businesses might think "but I'm not like these companies". You and all these companies have one thing in common, its called Intellectual Property (IP). IP adds a massive amount of value to your business. Some businesses pay huge sums of money for IP. You could start your own hamburger stand on any corner on any street in Australia. Chances are though if you open a McDonalds branch, you will be much more successful. The IP value of McDonalds is in the millions. There are some examples of high value IP here in Australia. Have your heard of Jim's mowing? Now they do electrical, plumbing, carpet cleaning plus much much more.
Small business can have a local brand recognition within their community or even state. Branding adds goodwill value to your business and therefore builds its saleable value.
Branding should be simple. Someone should be able to look at your logo or image and say "I know them", there should be a link between the image and your business. It should relate to the type of business you are doing. An example is if you are a florist you would look at a flower or even a leaf as a logo. The colours should be appealing to your target customer.
Once you have created this brand you should have this everywhere such as your letter head, business cards, web site, shop window, invoices, etc.